Safety first when installing child restraints

As parents, ensuring the safety of our children is our top priority, especially when it comes to traveling in vehicles. Child car restraints play a crucial role in safeguarding our little ones during journeys, but their proper installation is equally important. This is where Cowes Car Care steps in to offer peace of mind to [...]

By | July 26th, 2023|Break down assist, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Providing RACV services in Phillip Island and Bass Coast

When it comes to exploring the beautiful landscapes of Phillip Island, the last thing you want is a car breakdown to disrupt your plans.

By | July 26th, 2023|Break down assist, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Break downs on Bass Coast

Located on Phillip Island the team at Cowes Car Care have been providing automotive services including, engine repairs, tyre and battery products and general automotive services for over 40 years. Cowes Car Care are an authorised RACV service agent and breakdown assist agent. The team provide break down and towing services 24 hours a day, [...]

By | January 10th, 2022|Break down assist|0 Comments